Consulting & Assessment

We will work with your organization to diagnose, assess, and develop plans of action that will bring out the best in your employees!

Diagnosis of Learning Needs

We can do a needs analysis on programs that are not meeting your expectations and diagnose the problem areas.

Plans of Action

We can develop a plan of action on learning, after diagnosis, for programs that are not meeting expectations and help them through goal setting.

Proofreading and Editing

Let us proofread and edit your business documents and websites. We can spruce up your documents in development copy, business correspondence, and sale sheets. Enhance your credibility and widen your customer base with well-phrased, well-written documents.

Health and Safety

All coursework that promotes health and safety on the worksite is in this category. This includes but is not limited to: CPR, First Aid, back injury prevention, proper lifting, exposure control, bb pathogens.

All training will be custom tailored to meet the employee/employer needs.

Soft Skill Training

Ethics in business, emotional intelligence, customer service, conflict resolution, teamwork training and running productive meetings are some of the offerings.

As stated above, all training will be customer tailored to meet employer and employee needs.

Recognition Programming

Work together with CTA to find ways to recognize the good work of your employees.

Wellness Initiative

Stretching, exercise, screening events, eating well, and mental health wellness.

Learning Strategies

We will work with you to lay out a plan for methods to be used to train staff.

Train the Trainer

A five session course that trains your trainer in analyzing, developing, designing, instructing, and evaluating training for his/her use as a trainer.


A service designed to help individuals with developmental disabilities self-direct his/her services with ongoing support to ensure meaningful choices and programming that lead to customer satisfaction.

Can include access to HRD expertise of CTA.

Staff Development Day

Group programming designed with your staff to ensure ongoing development of staff.


Trainings held on a semester basis designed to enhance the skills of your leadership team. Can be custom designed to meet your needs.


This coursework is the basics of leadership. Includes such topics as decision making and delegation of work to ensure development of the supervisor and those working for the supervisor to develop his/her skills as well.

Coaching and Mentoring

We will work with managers and employees to coach them to success through a coaching and mentoring plan.

Succession Planning

Every level of the organization should have a succession plan to ensure continuity of services, development of staff, and enhance quality efforts. This can include career development activities for staff.


We will work with your staff to help develop a manual of your choice which can be helpful in current operations and a guide for newer employees.

Job Aids

Many times job aids can enhance learning and confidence with an employee while helping the supervisor with the training function.

We have experience helping employers with these job aids.